Few subjects cared for his unnerving depictions — and a show at London’s National Portrait Gallery makes clear why ...
Much like a classic Chevy Nomad, this one-off creation by Barris Kustoms features a chrome rear bumper and 1950s taillights ...
Paint is great, but I love this IKEA MALM hack from DIYer Jane Depgen because it keeps a natural wood look but adds major ...
A new, unwieldy tome dedicated to the gallery’s bicentenary is king of contradictions ...
The Triton Museum in Santa Clara, which has showcased local artists for many years, is exhibiting 20 years’ worth of work by ...
As the saying goes, life imitates art - and little did I know when I was first clicking "buy" on my dream green velvet couch ...
In today’s environmentally conscious world, more homeowners are prioritizing sustainability when furnishing their spaces.
If you are under 30 years old and you know how to authenticate a Saarinen tulip table, chances are you have Jeremy Bilotti ...
The Mid-City home that Nancy Hirsch Lassen shares with her newly minted husband, Jim Gambill, reflects the story of her ...
After living in eight different houses in six states, designer Jena Salmon finally returns to her native Lone Star State.
Three years after American Canyon passed a $25 million school bond, students and staff are seeing the results — from new ...
His new solo show, ‘After Hours,’ at Pace Gallery in New York, is inspired by everything from Bushwick clubs to Nava’s ...