Altris AI, which offers OCT analysis for retinal diseases, is now expanding to glaucoma detection.With its optic disc ...
Myopic tilted disc is a common structural change of myopic eyes. With advancing ocular imaging technology, the associated structural changes of the eye, particularly the optic nerve head, have been ...
One-line Tagline:This is the repository for retinal images optic disc segmentation using segmentation_models_pytorch baesd on IDRID dataset ...
Accurate diagnosis of drusen in children is imperative to avoid the route of unnecessary invasive investigations for more serious etiologies of optic disc elevation such as papilledema. In this case ...
An irregular hyperpigmented patch extended from the optic disc to the centre of the macula with submacular scarring (figure 3C,D). Optical coherence tomography of the macula showed a preserved ...
Posterior scleritis is a rare but potentially sight-threatening condition that commonly causes diagnostic confusion due to its variable and perplexing clinical symptoms and signs. We present a case of ...
Glaucoma diagnosis traditionally relies on a combination of fundus imaging, optical coherence tomography (OCT), intraocular ...
Hospital emergency department stays for patients with suspected papilledema significantly shortened after an OCT evaluation.