随着 Nintendo Switch 一代的逐渐消退,Nintendo Switch 2也将在不久后的将来问世,IGN发文表示,现在正式回顾过去八年并庆祝任天堂历史上最伟大的游戏库之一的时刻,为此,IGN在文中列出了25 款最佳 Switch 游戏。
由零创游戏开发、2P Games发行的国产文字冒险游戏《饿殍:明末千里行》今日正式登陆Nintendo ...
星之仪式:重制版 Switch NSP 引人入胜的叙事,具有惊人的视觉效果和发人深省的谜题。重制版最初于几年前发布,因其增强的图形保真度、精致的游戏控制和身临其境的声音设计而备受关注。这款游戏最值得称赞的方面之一是它的叙事,围绕着一个名叫 Ouk 的小 ...
今天我们要聊的是Switch平台上的一款新作——《Claws of Furry》!这款游戏以其独特的roguelike玩法和可爱的猫咪忍者角色,迅速吸引了众多玩家的目光。 在《Claws of Furry》中,玩家将扮演一只敏捷的忍者猫,穿梭于四个不同的世界,解救被绑架的主人。游戏的核心 ...
Up until the moment the Nintendo Switch 2 is actually in players' hands, it's going to be a hotbed for speculation and rumors. Nintendo itself is expected to stay quiet until the planned Nintendo ...
The National Solidarity Party (NSP), which contested the five-person group representation constituency in the last three general elections, held walkabouts there as recently as Jan 6 and Feb 9.
Citron, the last actively developed Switch emulator on Android, just got a big update. It’s focused on stability and compatibility, including specific fixes for Samsung devices. Early testing ...
Could Nintendo actually revisit the dual-screen magic of its hugely successful DS and 3DS handhelds with the upcoming Switch 2? A new video illustrating a second screen accessory attaching to a ...
The best network switch will be a necessity for anyone looking to add more wired connections and gain greater network speeds. One of the biggest issues we've found with even the best routers and ...
The Nintendo Switch is going out in a blaze of glory, with some exciting games launching to make way for the console's successor: the now officially announced Switch 2. Whether they’re ...
Despite the fact that Nintendo finally revealed its next console last month, there’s still quite a lot we don’t know about the Switch 2. Just how powerful is the Switch 2? Which games ...
Oliver Brandt is a Contributing Pop Culture Writer based in Tasmania, Australia. Their focus is reporting on video games, film, and TV. They have extensive knowledge of video game history and ...