Clicklike noises made by a small species of shark represent the first instance of a shark actively producing sound ...
Ultrasonic sounds are high-frequency sound waves that exceed 20,000 hertz, a range far beyond what the human ear can detect.
Beluga whales use a wide range of communication sounds, including whistles, squeals ... Beluga whales are closely related to narwhals, and both species are adapted to life in cold, Arctic waters.This ...
Actually, how do they make sounds?" The Professor is part of a team that's just published new research on whale singing in the journal, Nature. In the study, scientists studied the voice boxes ...
Although sometimes spotted in deep water, they are usually partial to coastal areas. RANGE: Killer whales are found in all of the world's oceans and most seas. The Southern Resident population makes ...
When he finally did find a recording of the particular call made by the whale when hunting with a bubble net, the frequencies used were correct. Computer models showed that sound could indeed be ...
Much of it is the natural sounds of fish, mammals and smaller creatures going about their business. That can sound wonderful - if you’re in the vicinity of a singing humpback whale - but on a ...