In addition to being a powerful ninja, Sasuke has always been good at approaching at coming up with plans to overcome a foe.
Naruto is filled with powerful emotional moments that tug at the heartstrings, showcasing the deep bonds that define the ...
The satisfying visuals and choreographs of these Naruto fights make them stand out from the rest of the series.
Sarada’s mangekyo sharingan could not only be the strongest in Naruto's franchise but also highlight her similarities with ...
Onee Naruto rivalry is agreed by fans to be the worst of them all even after multiple decades: the rivalry between Ino and ...
Naruto clearly established himself as a splendid, gutsy ninja, but it can't be expressed enough how his underrated qualities ...
Sakura Haruno is one of the most controversial characters in Narutobecause she came across as a useless and irritating ninja ...
From combat to persona, the ninjas in Naruto are a true definition of the term maverick. They are flamboyant and ...
Watch the Sasuke Uchiha (Young Ver. Final Battle) DLC Trailer for Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker, an action PvP fighting game developed by Soleil. Players will soon be able to access a free ...