Solidigm推出全球首款液冷型eSSD近日,Solidigm宣布,推出全球首款采用液冷散热的企业级SSD(eSSD),面向未来的液冷AI服务器而打造。这款产品由Solidigm与NVIDIA联合打造,解决了eSSD也冷面临的热插拔、单侧散热限制等 ...
近两年国内散热器市场“内卷”加剧,“卷”用料、“卷”设计和“卷”性能已经成为常态化,“299元”“399元”的360mm一体式水冷散热器在市场上很常见。特别是现如今在水冷散热器上流行搭载显示屏的产品也开始丰富起来,搭载2.4英寸、320×240分辨率 ...
Wrapping up Q4 earnings, we look at the numbers and key takeaways for the automation software stocks, including ServiceNow ...
As the Q4 earnings season wraps, let’s dig into this quarter’s best and worst performers in the automation software industry, including Pegasystems (NASDAQ:PEGA) and its peers. The whole purpose of ...
Over on, [Zoltan Pekic] has been busy building a stack of tools for assisting with verifying and debugging retro computing applications. He presents his take on using Intel hex files ...
The reason for this is thanks to what the brand calls “Fuzzy logic,” or a built-in microcomputer that can sense how your rice is cooking and adjust the time and temperature to get a perfect ...