But there’s also another version of the Archimedes story — one that speaks more directly to the uniquely American journey of ...
Can one single mathematical framework describe the motion of a fluid and the individual particles within it? This question, first asked in 1900, now has a solution that could help us understand the ...
LUCY Letby cops are distracting us from the real evidence that shows the nurse is “innocent” by announcing hospital staff could face prosecution, an expert has claimed. Professor ...
Happy Pi Day! Cheers to black female mathematicians. Today, March 14 (3/14), marks the annual celebration because the date ...
Not matter how you slice it, March 14 has something for everyone. The national holiday has been celebrated for decades now, since the late 1980s, thanks to a San Francisco physicist. Larry Shaw, also ...
There are a few ways you can observe National Pi Day, such as seeing how many numbers you can remember, watching the Life of ...
Pi belongs to a huge mathematical group called irrational numbers, which go on forever and cannot be written as fractions.
Wang Yusheng, the mathematician, and Gu Yunuo, a student, share their interest in mathematics at the launch ceremony of four ...
“Mathemalchemy” has been described as “a mathematics fever dream turned artistic playground for all math lovers (and haters, too).” ...
Math fanatics from all around the world and everyone else who just loves ancient Greek pi (or pie) celebrate on March 14.
Friday is Pi Day, a national celebration of the mathematical concept, which is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter and equals 3.14... Schools and museums often plan events to ...
Pi goes on forever, but there’s only one day a year to celebrate like a mathematician. On Friday, March 14, pizza joints and ...