The Nickel Masonic Lodge No. 427 recently made a donation of two half-ton truckloads of winter/cold weather clothing to the Sudbury Go-Give Project. From left are Greg Blomme (co-ordinator ...
The current four-story Masonic building at the intersection of Third and Center streets is the third lodge building in its 175-year history. It was built in 1917 after the previous two burned down.
The King Solomon Lodge, the first African American Masonic lodge in New Bern, is nearing the end of a six-year, $500,000 restoration project. Located off Howard Street, the lodge has been ...
The Royal Art Lodge's 'Ask the Dust' opens with a sketch of cigar-toting comic George Burns, but Vic Reeves might have been a more appropriate choice of mascots for this 'self-serving secret society' ...