On Monday, Dania Sanchez, who was Texas' top birder for 2024, had her turn to catch a glimpse of the rare avian visitor. "I ...
There a lot of natural diversity in New Mexico, but some of its most unique flora and fauna are under threat of extinction.
Any person or group can delay any forest management project by simply coming up with new information on any endangered ...
After the horrors of World War II and yet again in humanity’s history, law was seen as a rational means for containing such ...
PORTLAND, Ore.—The Center for Biological Diversity petitioned the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Thursday to protect the ...
Massachusetts officials are proposing new rules to better restrict shore-based shark fishing after fishermen were seen ...
Human activity is the main cause of wildfires, so we often blame discarded cigarettes, campfires, and downed power lines for ...
The FWC does not pay people to catch Burmese pythons unless they're contracted members of the Python Action Team Removing ...