A friend once asked me if I could tell him the name of the architect of the Guilford County Courthouse. He wanted to know who ...
Lincoln County is proud to announce the start of the long-awaited CommunityCentered Court. The mission of the Community-Centered Court of Lincoln County is to promote a safe and healthy community ...
Opponents of what would be the largest solar farm in Lancaster County have appealed the special permit the County Board approved in January allowing the Florida company to move forward on the project ...
12. According to senate bill 3061, Lincoln County would be able to impose a $25 fine in addition to other fines for convictions in justice court, circuit court and county court. Convictions for ...
In less than a month, three Nebraska women, were killed by a former partner with a gun. Lincoln organizations are working to ...
There’s more to Columbiana County Juvenile Court than just punishing kids for committing crimes. In fact, according to the numbers from 2024, the cases involving juvenile delinquents, unruly children ...
BROOKHAVEN — Lincoln County Board Attorney Greg Malta shared an update on the City’s plans to vacate the Lincoln County Courthouse Tuesday morning. His update was presented to the Lincoln ...
There’s more to Columbiana County Juvenile Court than just punishing kids for committing crimes. In fact, according to the numbers from 2024, the cases involving juvenile delinquents, unruly children ...
There’s more to Columbiana County Juvenile Court than just punishing kids for committing crimes. In fact, according to the numbers from 2024, the cases involving juvenile delinquents, unruly children ...
LINCOLN COUNTY, Ore. (KATU ... stemming from a series of incidents over the past two years. According to court documents, the first incident happened on Aug. 28, 2023, when video surveillance ...
Commissioners also set dates for two public hearings. The public hearing for the one-and six-year Road Improvement Plan for Lincoln County will be at 10 a.m. on March 3. A public hearing for ...