Hybrid Vlasov-Fokker-Planck code for fast simulations of relativistic electron beam transport in a denser solid or plasma.
This will let them observe laser-plasma interactions in real time rather than only analyzing the aftermath. Professor ...
For the first time, scientists have photographed a rare plasma instability, capturing high-energy electron beams forming into spaghetti-like filaments. This breakthrough, achieved by researchers at ...
This will let them observe laser-plasma interactions in real time rather than only analyzing the aftermath. Professor Zulfikar Najmudin, Deputy Director of the John Adams Institute, highlighted ...
In a major breakthrough in fusion energy research, researchers from Imperial College London have captured the first-ever ...
For the first time, scientists have 'photographed' a rare plasma instability, where high-energy electron beams form into spaghetti-like filaments.A ...
In the near future we can expect to see many other groups harness the benefits of plasma optics across the rich field of ultra-intense laser interactions with overdense plasmas — for example ...
This greatly reduces the size and cost of the accelerator device. Scientists based here, in the experimental laser-plasma interaction group, helped deliver world-firsts in demonstrating the viability ...
Amplified spontaneous emission is a physical phenomenon that entails the amplification of the light spontaneously emitted by ...
This will let them observe laser-plasma interactions in real time rather than only analysing the aftermath. If we can actually crack that, then it can have really big applications, especially in ...
both of which rely on the beat wave of two or more laser fields – (i) by ionisation of a neutral gas, and (ii) by driving an inertially evolving grating using the ponderomotive force in plasma.A novel ...