However, ironically for him, he is alarmed that many green laser pointers are more powerful than they are supposed to be. Sure, you often want a powerful laser, but if you think a laser is safe ...
It’s a rare person who can pick up a cheap laser pointer and not wield it like a ... or the most efficient way to the light from one place to another. We suspect that [Les Wright] has pew ...
Jordan Jackson, 35, of Houston, was accused of targeting multiple aircraft with a green pointer laser, according to federal ...
It's not just laser pointers either, as other forms of lasers, such as household decorations or nightclub lighting systems, can also have an impact on a commercial aircraft. Unfortunately, pilots in ...
In 2015, a 27-year-old California man was arrested after he allegedly pointed a laser light into the cockpit of a commercial airliner and then later into a police airplane that was searching for it.
While occasional exposure has less impact, we strongly advise against using intense light sources, especially laser pointers," a staff member, surnamed Liu, from Xi'an Museum, told the Global ...