Basking sharks are now one of the most highly protected sharks in European waters. A parasitic fish called a lamprey sometimes attaches itself near a male shark’s claspers, or reproductive organs.
Most people think of Pacific salmon, such as the Chinook Salmon, as befitting such an adventurous lifestyle. While it is true of the Chinook, it is equally true of the Pacific lamprey. But lamprey are ...
We [shouldn't] have to keep fighting with the courts' Record breaking great white shark gets a tag for research near Florida-Georgia border The German Electric SUV With The Highest Driving Range ...
Now let's compare traits on the lamprey-dolphin-shark-wolf branch. Dolphins and sharks both have a torpedo-like shape, so are they the closest relatives? Because the lamprey also has this shape ...
A new film explores the massive effort on the part of scientists, governments, and small businesses to save the Great Lakes from the invasive sea lamprey. “The Fish Thief” was released on Jan.