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Two sixth graders at the Epstein Hillel School in Marblehead won an invention contest competing against kids from across ...
From games that don't make sense, to whacky inventions, to awesome alter egos, here are 10 Calvin and Hobbes strips about ...
Yondr makes a locking pouch that for years has been used at entertainment events to sequester cellphones and now is being ...
Stolen Science," was written to finally set the record straight about scientists and inventors who never received the credit ...
Tonight’s Gemstones is all about power and how the family wields it to dominate each other and the greater evangelical ...
Some very creative grade schoolers from William E. Miller Elementary are getting awards for fantastic inventions. Today, the ...
"I wrote a children's book and wanted to create a companion athletic shoe that could be worn to help inspire discussions ...
Donald Trump is following the dictator’s playbook as he uses his shock and awe campaign against American democracy and ...