Waving of palaspas or palm fronds has been a part of the Filipino Catholic Church’s tradition during Palm Sunday. But what ...
Womenfolk of Herbosa Street in Tondo, Manila immerse themselves in chanting the life, passion, death, and resurrection of ...
Holy Week is a new book collecting several of Dr. R.C. Sproul’s reflections on the climactic week in Jesus’ redemptive ...
Pastor Chase Riebel spoke about the mission of Jesus during Sunday's sermon. Pastor Chase Riebel started a Resurrection ...
Know the dates for the end of Lent, Holy Week and Easter Sunday in 2025. Why does Easter start late this year?
But Americans, especially American Evangelical Christians, have been completely deceived into supporting the Satanic Jews, instead of opposing them. When they congregate together to support Israel ...
Scott Duvall’s class on Revelation is one of the most popular on campus, and he’s spent the last four years working on his ...
For many, Easter remains a floating holiday, often associated vaguely with spring and Sunday celebrations. Unlike fixed ...
For centuries, churches have used different methods to calculate the date of Easter. Rarely do they coincide. The search for ...
"There's so much division in our world ... the only way that we can begin to heal those divides and build bridges is by ...
March 25: The Feast of the Annunciation
In the Annunciation, “the Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary (a teenager then), and she was conceived by the Holy Spirit.” ...
God allowed my mom to “put off her burdened flesh” on Feb. 21 of this year, two months after her 101st birthday. Mary Casilda ...