Packet is the main class representing a single network message. It has a byte code indicating the type of the message and a []byte type payload. A stream has a send ...
C $ pvpn -wg 9000 Serving on UDP :500 :4500... Serving on UDP :9000 (WIREGUARD)... ^C Open server's UDP port :500 :4500 to your device. In device's system setting, add an "IPSec" (iOS) or "IPSec IKE ...
An IEEE standard for local and metropolitan area networks–Port-Based Network Access Control. IEEE 802 LANs are deployed in networks that convey or provide access to critical data, that support mission ...
264/NAL streams encapsulated in RTP packets. The RTP2Η264 core ... 264 Decompression, Transport Stream and RTP/UDP/IP de-capsulation to enable the rapid development of complete video streaming ...