Which NFL teams improved this offseason, and which took a step back? Our panel of experts ranked them from 1 to 32.
Rapid7 is entering an exciting new chapter of growth, and we are confident that adding Wael, Mike and Kevin to our Board will accelerate our ability to execute with greater speed, focus and impact.
During HP Amplify 2025, I saw HP's bold vision for AI PCs rapidly manifest into reality, with the company actually delivering ...
一、前言:耕升RTX ...
If the display compromise hasn't put you off, there's nothing in the inputs to significantly rock the boat further. The Asus Zenbook A14's keys are fractionally shallower than the old industry ...
11 小时
什么值得买社区频道 on MSN海盗船 复仇者DDR5 64GB:AI本地化部署的“硬核”内存解决方案随着开源大模型(如DeepSeek、Llama ...
3月22日,联想正式宣布与一级方程式赛车(F1)展开合作,并计划于今年5月推出一系列联动产品,其中包括拯救者品牌的笔记本和平板电脑等。此次产品主打“轻薄设计、性能提升以及AI功能”的特点。 根据官方介绍,新款拯救者平板的屏幕尺寸为8.8英寸,是拯救者Y700的升级版。新机型在刷新率上达到了165Hz,同时整体机身更加轻薄,并且搭载了高通骁龙旗舰级处理器。 此外,联想还透露了新款拯救者笔记本的相关信 ...
小鹏汽车的经典车型P7一直以来备受消费者喜爱,不仅在性能上表现出色,更以高颜值设计赢得广泛好评。目前,P7家族已推出了多款衍生车型,包括P7i和P7+等。据业内人士透露,一款全新的高性能轿跑车型或将被命名为“P7 Ultra”,进一步丰富P7系列的产品线。 近日,有汽车设计领域的博主发布了这款新车的假想渲染图。从图片来看,这款车型延续了小鹏汽车的设计语言,同时在细节上进行了大胆创新。车尾部分相较现 ...