提升英语沟通能力的建议 如上所述,通过掌握基本的生活用语,能够极大地提升在国外买菜的体验。建议各位在日常生活中不断练习,有条件的情况下,可以尝试和当地人进行基本沟通,这样不仅能提升语言能力,还能够获得更多的文化体验。说不定下次买菜时,你会用到这些词汇,在一片笑声中与外国人分享你所学到的知识。
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Once upon a time, there was a little chameleon. He loved colours! One day, he saw a shop with many balloons. The balloons ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Celebrate St Patrick's Day weekend with three days of discounted drinks and green beer at Shanghai’s oldest Irish Pub. Doors ...
China's value-added industrial output, an important economic indicator, went up 5.9 percent year on year in the first two ...
China's retail sales of consumer goods, a major indicator of the country's consumption strength, climbed 4 percent year on ...
Visit Radio Canada International in 7 languages to discover, and better understand, the democratic and cultural values of ...
探寻职场乐趣的极致体验!工作模拟游戏哪些值得玩 ...