The Houston Zoo has never had an escaped animal threaten visitors, but that doesn't mean staffers and volunteers aren't ...
Rumors that a gorilla got loose and was running amok forced a zoo in Virginia to put residents minds at ease — by telling them they have nothing to fear because they have no gorillas in ...
Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium tops several categories in fan voting; Lauritzen Gardens is fifth among botanical gardens.
NORFOLK, Va. (WKRC) - A recent sighting of what some believed to be an escaped gorilla at the Virginia Zoo turned out to be a false alarm, with the zoo saying it may have merely been the ...
Among the zoo's popular exhibits is JungleWorld ... Other star attractions include the Congo Gorilla Forest, the seasonal butterfly garden, Tiger Mountain and the Children's Zoo.
In what must have been an equally terrifying and thrilling encounter, tourists in Rwanda get up close and personal with a massive silverback mountain gorilla. The tourists manage to keep their cool, ...
The zoo also welcomes temporary exhibits, and in the past has hosted ... Woodland Park also houses two western lowland gorilla families. Recent visitors generally appreciated the zoo's size ...
New research suggests gorillas may be just as self-aware as chimpanzees, despite struggling with the mirror test.
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They include stories of grandmothers, mothers, daughters, aunts, and sisters - relationships that trasncend time to showcase how quilting is taught and remembered among families, how quilters from ...