By 5:30 p.m., the fire was under control with units being released. Brampton Fire didn’t report any injuries. BFES working at a second alarm fire in the Main St and Williams Parkway area, fire ...
“There was a vehicle blocking a fire hydrant, slowing down the fire apparatus’ ability to connect to the hydrant,” Daughtry said. “We’re asking all New Yorkers to please be mindfu ...
Slow motion fire hydrant kids stock videos & royalty-free footage Asian fireman wear fire protection suit with a Saved boy in His Arms and Firefighter fighting with fire on a car during fire drill and ...
The online application for the Fire Hydrant Use Permit and Fire Hydrant Flow Test Permit is now open for the 2025 season. Permits during the off-season (November 16 to March 31) are granted on a ...
During a Thursday afternoon press conference, FDNY Deputy Mayor Kaz Daughtry said a vehicle parked in front of a fire hydrant near the scene slowed down firefighters' ability to access water.
CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. (KFVS) - A vehicle hit a fire hydrant in Cape Girardeau late on Thursday night, March 13. According to police, it happened just after 11 p.m. at the corner of Morgan Oak and ...
JACKSONVILLE, Ore. - -Jacksonville Fire Department is conducting annual fire hydrant testing until the end of May. Through the testing, local firefighters ensure all hydrants are fully operational and ...
BLACK JACK, Mo. — A popular Black Jack bar and grill is temporarily closed after a fire caused significant damage to the building early Friday morning. The freezing temperatures made the battle ...
Collin Sharpe from Harmon Engineering gave an update on the fire hydrant project in the city of LaFayette during the city council meeting on Monday night. So far, the group has installed 19 out of the ...
Officers shut down Hillcroft in both directions over night because of flooding caused by the fire hydrant. An officer at the scene said that there was not a definitive timeline as to when the ...
The process was slowed down, however, because the first fire hydrant they tried to access was covered in a snowbank. Crews shoveled it out only to discover it was frozen shut, the department said.
A vehicle crashed into a fire hydrant near Alpha Drive around 3 a.m. March 10. Responding officers and paramedics found the driver passed out and had to enter the locked vehicle to get him to safety.