CLauto酷乐汽车是一个汽车自媒体中佼佼者,我们生产汽车相关的优秀干货内容,有着粘性超强的整体高层次的用户群体,也是一个以玩车用户为中心的社区平台。 乐趣的定义是多种多样的。 正如谁也不能给其他人创造乐趣一样,任何人也不能企图剥夺其他人的乐趣,因为乐趣的认知是主观的。 这里我说的乐趣,是发自内心的因为感受到欢喜与满足的平静乐趣,不是消费主义陷阱下的被动的“买买买”的乐趣。 车是开给别人看的? 所 ...
2025年3月2日,日产汽车宣布传奇车型GT-R R35正式停产并停止接受新订单,结束其长达18年的辉煌历史。这款自2007年东京车展首发以来,凭借“东瀛战神”之名叱咤全球跑车市场的性能标杆,最终在新能源浪潮与严苛法规的双重压力下画上句点。
而 Skyline GT-R R32 诞生于 1989 年,是日产为参加日本房车锦标赛而精心打造的首款车型。在 1989 年至 1993 年间,SkylineGT-R R32 连续五年蝉联日本房车锦标 ...
While the company makes economical sedans and SUVs, Nissan has also produced some incredible sports cars in its time. Here ...
1989 年款 Skyline GT-R R32 在动力方面,搭载 2.6 升双涡轮增压直列六缸发动机,可以实现 280 马力(206 kW)输出,总扭矩为 260 磅-英尺(353 牛・米)。
So this is what déjà vu feels like. The blue and white livery. The absurdly wide tyres. The crazy camber and pugnacious stance. I’ve never stood next to this car in my life, yet it all looks ...
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Over three decades since the R32 GT-R’s 1989 debut, Nissan has released an exciting new teaser of what it’s calling the ‘R32 EV’. Details are few and far between at this stage, but this ...
When it debuted 35 years ago, Nissan’s ATTESA E-TS all-wheel drive system gave the original R32 GT-R traction and stability ...
Prices for 'Godzilla' have been shooting up recently in the secondary market. Here are five reasons why it's great.