GIMP 3.0 has finally arrived after 7 years of development. Discover the best new features including non-destructive editing, ...
After a seven-year nap, version 3.0 of FOSS image editor GIMP is arriving with a splash, while a long-dormant open video ...
G IMP 3.0 has been long-awaited. While the GIMP developers haven’t yet released the stable version of GIMP 3.0, there have been three release candidates of 3.0 for testing and d ...
T he biggest upgrade to GIMP is finally here. While Photoshop has been the go-to choice for professionals and enthusiasts, ...
After seven years of active development, GIMP 3.0 is officially released with HiDPI Support, NDE Filters, Improved UI and a lot more.
GIMP is one of the most iconic free and open-source PC photo editing programs. GIMP first hit the scene back in the late 1990s, and has finally hit version 3.0 as of March 16 of this year. GIMP 3. ...
GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is a free and open-source image editor. This guide explains how to install GIMP 3.0 on Linux.