Eat, Drink, and Remarry’ will be published this fall through Gallery BooksPatricia Altschul is telling all in a new book.The ...
A marketing executive for BaptistCare, one of Australia s largest care organizations, has been arrested on child abuse ...
The Parent Dashboard is great for seeing what your kids have been reading and monitoring their progress, and it's also ...
Looking for better royalties or less competition? These 9 KDP alternatives offer self-published authors more control, reach, ...
Discover Kindles, Meebooks, Kobos, and other color screens perfect for vibrant comics and magazines. Compare features and ...
“Scream/Queen” is broken into parts with titles that play on sub-genres. “Para/Normal,” “Found/ Footage,” and “Body/Horror” ...
Palm Beach residents Fernando Wong and Tim Johnson will discuss landscape design and sign their new book at March 26 program at the Society of the Four Arts.
Now, in New Champions #4, writer Steve Foxe and artists Ivan Fiorelli and Julian Shaw will dig into the backstory of the young Wakandan hero Gold Tiger, with Fiorelli handling the modern day sequences ...