Arriving at the proper auger size begins with an evaluation of your grain bin system. Measure the tallest bin on your farm or determine the tallest bin you expect to have based on expansion plans.
A woman reunited with the first responders who saved her life after a farm equipment malfunction that nearly killed her.
Ashley Lawrence became trapped in a drilling auger while working on her farm in Amelia County. On Thursday, she reunited with the MedFlight crew who saved her life.
He describes the robot’s design that includes two augers with an auger drive system ... the robot to be effective and ready for on-farm use. “What we’ve learned from the farmers we ...
Joan Pfeifer of Lindsay named Outstanding Woman in Ag after 53 years in farming and will be honored at the Columbus Area ...
New Holland celebrated 50 years of twin rotor combine technology at the National Farm Machinery Show in Louisville, Kentucky.
In a touching reunion inside the hanger at the Chesterfield County Airport, Ashley Lawrence met the emergency team that saved ...
One of the first-time participants this year is Crooked Brook Farm in Wells, a cut-your-own Christmas tree farm with a brand new sugarhouse. It’s actually a sawmill on the farm that has been ...
RICHMOND, Va. — Chesterfield County Medflight paramedics are accustomed to receiving crisis calls to get critically ill or injured patients to trauma centers in Richmond. Ashley Lawrence was ...
You just need to chat for a few minutes with the Rodgers family of Southwold before you realize that the secret ingredient in ...
Farm and ranch families make up less than 2% of the U.S. population. Thanks to innovation, technology and diverse farms, one U.S. farm feeds (on average) 169 people annually, in the U.S. and abroad.