With an off-putting scent and maroon flower buds that blend in with fall’s leaf litter, skunk cabbage is not on the radar of many Minnesota hikers. The plant blooms early and looks bizarre ...
My mother had a bed of peonies along the driveway that made you roll down the window or stop the car to enjoy them. While you enjoy the blooms of these popular perennials in the spring, it's not the ...
Rangoon Creepers are fast growing and fragrant plants. They are striking red or pink in colour and adds beauty to any space. Lavender has vibrant purple flowers that are known to have a calming scent.
Other than their ease in maintenance and growing, one reason why daffodils are a fan-favorite is because they grow throughout several months of the year. That's because there are several plant ...
On this National Flower Day, take a moment to appreciate the beauty, color, and joy that flowers bring into our world – and maybe even plant the seeds (literally or figuratively!) for a season ...
Spring is almost upon us, and with that comes beautiful blossoming flowering plants and warmer weather. unbranded - Lifestyle unbranded - Lifestyle More Videos ...
Apart from the magnificent blooms, the plant has lush green leaves, which Palphramand says complement the bold flowers. Plant agapanthus bulbs in spring once the chance of frost has passed ...