Redox reactions form the basis of many fundamental processes of life. Without them, neither cellular respiration nor ...
Mitochondria are the powerhouses in our cells, producing the energy for all vital processes. Using cryo-electron tomography, ...
A research team led by Prof. Liu Xuanyong from the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has ...
They have demonstrated that nuclear polarisation does not impede the study of muonic atoms. It clears a major obstacle that ...
Researchers have revealed the structural underpinnings of memory formation across a broad network of neurons in the mouse ...
Discover reviews trends, future challenges, and strategic directions when it comes to advancing science and innovation in the ...
That process, called carbon fixation, resulted in the assembly of two three-carbon molecules called 3-phosphoglycerate (3-PGA ...
Scientists have captured the first detailed 'molecular movie' showing DNA being unzipped at the atomic level -- revealing how cells begin the crucial process of copying their genetic material.
A vaccine kept patients free of pancreatic cancer for years, yet new reports say the NIH is advising against mentioning mRNA tech in grants.
A new study explores the structural basis of memory formation in the mouse brain, revealing how neurons reorganize their ...
One way of creating a time crystal is to knock some of the carbon atoms out of the crystal lattice of diamond, creating what ...
Malaysian-born final-year PhD student May Ching Lai, who is studying at the University of Cambridge, has won a bronze award ...