为解决宫颈癌预后评估及治疗靶点难题,福建妇幼保健院等单位的研究人员开展 ERRα 在宫颈癌中作用的研究。结果发现 ERRα 可作预后标志物,影响免疫浸润。推荐阅读,助您了解宫颈癌研究新进展。 宫颈癌是全球范围内严重威胁女性健康的一大杀手,在女性 ...
The increased demand for energy also requires a higher metabolic rate of nutrients. In non-malignant cells, this is usually achieved through elevating mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), ...
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) has emerged as a significant risk factor that accelerates atherosclerosis, decreases muscle function, and increases the risk of amputation or death in patients with ...
Here we report that TFE3 fusions transcriptionally rewire tRCCs toward oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), contrasting with the highly glycolytic nature of most other renal cancers. Reliance on this ...
胰高血糖素是一种由胰岛α细胞分泌的激素,与胰岛素作用相反,胰高血糖素被认为主要通过促进肝脏中的糖原分解和糖异生过程,提高血液中的葡萄糖浓度。然而,近年来的研究发现,胰高血糖素的作用远不止于此。它还参与脂肪分解代谢的调节,通过促进 ...
In the RNAseq analysis of the PBMCs, comparing the acute and convalescent-phase, we observed system-level host’s metabolic reprogramming towards central carbon and energy metabolism (CCEM) with ...
Natural Killer (NK) cells have an important role in immune responses to viruses and tumours. Integrating changes in signal transduction pathways and cellular metabolism is essential for effective NK ...
The transcriptional agonist properties of cholesterol are not limited to SREBPs. Cholesterol has been recently identified as a physiological and functional endogenous agonist of the estrogen-related ...
Mitochondrial disorders are genetically and clinically heterogeneous, mainly affecting high energy-demanding organs due to impaired oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). Currently, effective treatments ...