Though you may know the difference between bad cholesterol and good cholesterol, you may not know that your triglycerides, a type of fat found in your blood, are equally important to your heart ...
Bacteria control the homeostasis of membrane lipid biophysical properties by altering the chain length of fatty acids, as well as the ratio of saturated:unsaturated fatty acids. The de novo ...
Some factors can cause cholesterol to rise faster than others. Knowing what these are can help you minimize sudden increases in your blood cholesterol. High cholesterol can increase your risk of ...
光学材料:由于DOPE-PEG-Ce6具有特定的光学性质,它可能被用作光学材料中的荧光团或光敏剂,用于制备具有特殊光学性能的复合材料。 染料与颜料:DOPE-PEG-Ce6的荧光性质使其可能作为染料或颜料成分,用于制备具有荧光效果的涂料、油墨等产品。 生物标记与 ...
DOPE:代表二油酰磷脂酰乙醇胺,它是一种磷脂分子,具有一个疏水的双油酰基尾部和一个亲水的磷脂酰乙醇胺头部。这种结构使得DOPE具有良好的生物相容性和膜融合能力。 PEG:即聚乙二醇,是一种高分子聚合物,因其具有良好的水溶性和生物相容性而被广泛 ...
Statistics say more than 30 per cent of people stop taking the pills because of muscle aches Statins are prescription drugs for lowering cholesterol levels to normal. While some of these decrease your ...
Atherosclerosis, or the buildup of plaque in the arteries, develops when low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) enters the blood vessel walls through dysfunctional endothelial cells (EC ...
Dope Girls promises to reveal a world that has long been forgotten. The years after the First World War saw huge social upheaval, as men returning from the frontline got home to discover women who ...
Skipping breakfast may leave you feeling hungrier later in the day and may also adversely affect your cholesterol levels. According to a 2020 review of seven studies that included adults ...
It's this history which sets the scene for the BBC’s latest crime drama, Dope Girls: a world where police raids, illicit nightclubs and budding female criminal enterprises was the order of the day.