By December 2024, the number of people in England aged 65 and over with a formal diagnosis of dementia had reached a record ...
A touching video of a man comforting his elderly cat, Luna, during a distressing dementia episode has captivated millions ...
Covered in fake fur, the cat purrs and meows when it sits in the residents’ laps, while the dogs bark, pant and wag their ...
I did not appreciate what she was talking about at the time. But as the months went on and dementia claimed more of my mother, I was able to see the potential value of a toy cat.
Feline dementia is more common than you may think. A Pet MD article by Dr. Melissa Boldan says that more than a quarter of cats aged between 11 and 14 show at least one sign of dementia ...
use "Y:\Melissa Kendall\Readmission Appendectomy\Appendectomy\V2 All Los\Data Out\Step 6 Coding CCI.dta", replace table1_mc, by(readmission) vars (age conts ...
People with dementia don’t just lose their memories — they often battle depression, too, with specialists estimating up to half of patients experience this side effect. But experts are now ...
For example, there could be a resident cat or fish tank permanently within a care home. If a person with dementia previously owned a pet, these animal interactions could help with reminiscence. Visits ...
export delimited "Y:\Melissa Kendall\Readmission Appendectomy\Appendectomy and Appendicitis Cohorts Combined\Data Out\Ready for R with some gen CCI vars.csv" table1 ...