Then, once the colon is "clean" of polyps, experts recommend repeat colonoscopy every 1 to 3 years. If follow-up exams continue to be normal, further screening recommendations will be determined ...
1C). Without reduction, the bands migrate approximately at the double size, suggesting that all three recombinant proteins are disulfide-bonded dimers. The structure of the MUC2-E3 domain have been ...
This month's cover highlights the article Schizophrenia-related Xpo7 haploinsufficiency leads to behavioral and nuclear transport pathologies by Hiroki Shiwaku, Saori Toyoda, Masataka Kikuchi and ...
Colon cancer has been on the rise in Americans under 50 for the last three decades, but it’s not exactly clear why. Researchers suspect poor diet, obesity, sedentary lifestyles, environmental ...
Get Instant Summarized Text (Gist) Approximately 10% of South Asian immigrants aged 45 and older in Canada have hypothyroidism, with a 77% higher likelihood compared to Canadian-born individuals ...
There is something you can do that may help you live longer after a colon cancer diagnosis, and you can start it on your own, at your home or a gym. Exercise is associated with longer lives for ...
Role of Bifidobacterium in gut health. (Sánchez et al., Pharmacological Research, 2013). Bifidobacterium seems to thrive in the low-oxygen tumor microenvironment, and its presence within certain colon ...
Niall Stanage and Stephen Kant react to former Biden Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg's comments that Dems have problem with diversity messaging. #DEI #Buttigiegs ...
Colon cancer develops when tumorous growths form in the large intestine. It often produces no symptoms in the early stages, but people should see a doctor if they notice persistent changes in ...