The garden will provide food for food-insecure ... partnered with the Fashion Scholarship Fund to launch the Cactus Jack Design Ethos 101 Program, which is an online program that will award ...
The Cholla Cactus Garden, located about 12 miles south of the park's North Entrance, is home to one of the few stands of cholla cactus in the park. The short, quarter-mile Cholla Cactus Garden ...
I spent four months testing the most popular hydroponic indoor gardens on the market, and these three are the best.
An illustration of a magnifying glass. An illustration of a magnifying glass.
But there’s another lesser-known holiday beauty that also blooms around the time of Easter. Known as Easter cactus, this lovely plant has interesting flattened stems, an elegant weeping form, and ...
If you head out to the second annual Cactus Show and Art Fair at Moon-Sun Cactus & Koi Gardens this weekend, bring your maps, a GPS device and maybe a Sherpa guide. The business is a little off ...
Garden clogs can be a lifesaver when navigating muddy garden beds or just taking quick trips in and out of the house.
Just accept that fact now. It’s nearly impossible to repot a holiday cactus without breaking a few segments. Go slow and be careful, and you’ll minimize damage. Use a butter knife or small garden ...
Let this adorable cactus kit prick your interest in crafting. The lovely felt kit is the perfect project for beginners and younger crafters. This delightful kit comes with everything you need to ...