Perturb-FISH推进了细胞内回路的功能基因组学研究,并为细胞间回路的遗传学研究提供了丰富的分子细节。 该方法不仅能够揭示细胞内扰动的分子机制,还能解析细胞间相互作用的复杂网络,为理解细胞在组织尺度上的功能提供了新的视角。
Broad研究所和波士顿大学的研究人员开发出一种名为 Perturb-FISH 的新技术。该技术巧妙地结合了成像空间转录组学(iST)和 CRISPR 扰动的读数,犹如给细胞研究安装了 “透视镜”,能在单细胞水平解析分子和功能状态。
Recently, scientists have been able to explore gene circuitry in individual cells using methods that suppress particular ...
CRISPR-Cas9 技术的出现,为科学家们提供了强大的基因编辑工具,通过 Pooled loss-of-function screening,能大规模探究基因功能,在研究细胞生长、药物抗性和病毒感染等方面成果显著。将其与单细胞 RNA 测序(scRNA-seq)结合后,可在同一细胞中实现基因抑制与转录组 ...
CRISPR文库 筛出新高度CRSIPR文库Cell Pool构建流程复杂、成本高、周期长让不少科研er望而却步源井基于CRISPR-iScreen技术平台QC标准升级,超高覆盖,保障数据可靠性超400种Screening-ready Cell ...
One of the key challenges of the modern genomics era is studying the thousands of genes in a single human cell at scale. To ...
Targeted inhibition of a "signal jammer" protein may improve how tumors respond to immunotherapy. Published today in Nature, ...
A recent review published in the journal Engineering delves into the significant advancements and potential of CRISPR ...
Advances in the gene-editing technology known as CRISPR-Cas9 over the past 15 years have yielded important new insights into the roles that specific genes play in many diseases. But to date this ...
CRISPR libraries enable scientists to systematically investigate gene functions, identify novel drug targets, and develop personalized therapies.
Suffering on such an immense scale can appear hopeless. However, a technique called CRISPR gene editing promises to help deal with these issues and many more—and wise regulation can spur it on.