Exploration of dsRNA interactome using the K1 antibody and functional studies using CRISPR-Cas9 knockout screening of these dsRBP candidates elucidate the role of dsRNA interactome in immune ...
However, it is envisioned that our CRISPR-Cas12a based detection system, when combined with a pre-amplification strategy, may confer higher detection sensitivity. Also, our detection platform may need ...
Amgen R&D Postdoctoral Fellows Program, Thousand Oaks, California 91320, United States Large Molecule Discovery & Research Data Science, Amgen Research, Thousand Oaks, California 91320, United States ...
Peer ReviewDownload a summary of the editorial decision process including editorial decision letters, reviewer comments and author responses to feedback. ~100,000 copies of plant circadian clock ...
UFO expression hinges on another complex process called cis-regulation. And this one has remained a “black box” of plant biology research for years. Now, using CRISPR gene editing, Cold Spring Harbor ...
However, the mechanism of enhancer activation in advanced disease is unknown. Here, we used CRISPR-Cas9 screening to identify transcription factors that bind to the AR enhancer and modulate ...
And this one has remained a "black box" of plant biology research for years. Now, using CRISPR gene editing, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) Professor and HHMI Investigator Zachary Lippman ...
Tomato plants mutated with CRISPR, like this one, tended to flower earlier than usual. “We could have chosen many other genes. We chose this one because it was pretty clear it was going to have ...
CRISPR Gene-Edited Plants May Fall Outside the Scope of APHIS Regulation Although the 2020 Rule was explicitly designed to exempt many plants produced using modern gene editing and to streamline ...