Advancements in genome editing, particularly CRISPR, are reshaping precision biology, driving innovations in medicine, agriculture, and synthetic biology.
The combination of AI-driven molecular breeding and Quantum AI can enhance biofortification efforts by identifying genetic ...
Tulane University researchers have developed a CRISPR-based test that diagnoses ... A new study finds that 9.4% of edible plants worldwide are contaminated with Blastocystis spp., ...
He expects genetic screening to emerge as a major topic of discussion long before ... In early 2023, scientists at the Israeli agritech company BetterSeeds used CRISPR-Cas9 editing tools to target ...
Amgen R&D Postdoctoral Fellows Program, Thousand Oaks, California 91320, United States Large Molecule Discovery & Research Data Science, Amgen Research, Thousand Oaks, California 91320, United States ...
Different types of sedentary behavior impact adolescent mental health, with excessive leisure screen time linked to higher psychological distress, while educational activities appear to have a ...
Get Instant Summarized Text (Gist) Cuttlefish adapt their body shape and color to camouflage themselves when hunting prey. Observations of 98 cuttlefish off the coast of New Guinea revealed four ...
UFO expression hinges on another complex process called cis-regulation. And this one has remained a “black box” of plant biology research for years. Now, using CRISPR gene editing, Cold Spring Harbor ...
Tomato plants mutated with CRISPR, like this one, tended to flower earlier than usual. “We could have chosen many other genes. We chose this one because it was pretty clear it was going to have ...
The researchers were not able to ascertain if the blinking came directly after seeing a blink on the screen and propose that future research could explore that. However, they suggest that the ...
CRISPR Gene-Edited Plants May Fall Outside the Scope of APHIS Regulation Although the 2020 Rule was explicitly designed to exempt many plants produced using modern gene editing and to streamline ...