OPINION: Few things are more stressful for dairy farmers than running out of feed when cows need it most. Securing enough ...
Narelle and Mark Boardman, at Montgomery, in central Gippsland, have made some useful investments after earning the extra ...
Following a dry summer, the key challenge for farmers is what lies ahead in autumn, says Warwick Catto, Science Strategy ...
For Britain, direct military aid is just the tip of the iceberg compared to the spiralling energy crisis that has fueled ...
Hotter and windier nor-west weather kicks in over NZ this weekend ahead of a classic Autumn cold front on Monday and Tuesday ...
We take it for granted that we can see at all times of day and night. But there was a time, not all that long ago in the age before ...
A 1200-acre organic mixed farm in the Cotswolds area of England is taking a different approach from most conventional farms by creating ...
Ryegrass dominates most seed mixes sold for pasture renewal, to the point where farmers often order seed by the name of their ...
A 1200-acre organic mixed farm in the Cotswolds area of England is taking a different approach from most conventional farms ...
Farmers in many parts of Victoria are desperately in need of rain as they fight the effects of the dry.
Revolutionary virtual fencing technology – which could transform managing hill and upland suckler herds – is to be ...
As we approach turnout, we hope for milder, drier and longer days to reduce soil moisture levels. Average cover is sitting at ...