X-linked myopathy with excessive autophagy (XMEA) is a rare disease for which pre-clinical models lack, challenging the ability to understand mechanisms and therapies. The use of the zebrafish to ...
Autophagy is a cellular degradation pathway for the clearance of damaged or superfluous proteins and organelles. The recycling of these intracellular constituents also serves as an alternative ...
New research from the Regulatory RNA and Chromatin lab at the Josep Carreras Institute sheds light on one of these alterations: autophagy malfunction. The inner life of a cell is highly dynamic ...
As a crucial cellular process involved in degrading and recycling damaged organelles and proteins, autophagy-related (ATG) proteins mediated autophagy plays a significant role in various physiological ...
Microglia are brain-resident macrophages playing pivotal roles in CNS development and homeostasis. Yet, the cellular and molecular basis governing microglia maintenance ...
A novel system that chases larval zebrafish around an arena with predator robots is enabling scientists to understand how these days-old fish quickly learn in the real world. A novel system ...
Zocchi et al Researchers have found that larval zebrafish quickly learn to identify predators and find easy ways to avoid them. Larval zebrafish learn such things robustly just five days after ...
State Key Laboratory of Green Pesticide, Key Laboratory of Green Pesticide and Agricultural Bioengineering, Ministry of Education, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China ...
Shah and colleagues take advantage of the presence of maternal and somatic ribosomes in zebrafish and confirm their differential expression during development. The authors convincingly show that ...