Nokia’s Lunar Surface Communications System was supposed to be the first 4G network deployed on the moon and a test for future crewed missions. Things didn’t go to plan.
Let’s look at the process by which clouds form. Clouds form when air cools and water vapor condenses. There are four ways that cause air to rise in our atmosphere, which is necessary to initiate the ...
One is the boreal summer (June to August) circumglobal teleconnection (CGT) discovered in 2005, an upper-tropospheric atmospheric circulation anomaly that occurs during the Northern Hemisphere summer.
With rising temperatures globally, the incidence of wildfires has increased across the world including India, disturbing the natural system in several ways. PREMIUM Fire burns among vegetation ...
These earlier predictions, however, depended heavily on models that oversimplified or overlooked key atmospheric processes. Most relied on global climate models that inadequately represented ...
More information: Yu-Hsiu Wang et al, Novel perspectives on multiple-peak diurnal convection over a tropical mountainous island from idealized large-eddy simulations, npj Climate and Atmospheric ...
Intense convective cells are usually responsible for the maxima of TC rainfall near the coastline (Chan et al., 2004). A numerical study on Typhoon Morakot (2009) indicates that ice-phase processes ...
Above our heads, the atmosphere is a complex and unpredictable soup of gasses and charged particles subject to the influence of whatever the Sun throws at it. Attempting to understand it is not ...
Cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) is a physical technology widely used in the field of cancer treatment after exhibiting extensive lethality on cancer cells. However, few studies have reported the exact ...