Feb. 21, 2025 — Researchers have investigated how microbubbles tiny gas bubbles can deliver drugs into cells in a targeted manner using ultrasound. For the first time, they have visualized how ...
Your 12-week ultrasound is meant to assess your baby's development at the end of the first trimester of your pregnancy. At week 12, the fetus's organs and body systems are formed, and you may actually ...
An eye and orbit ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves to measure and produce detailed images of your eye and eye orbit (the socket in your skull that holds your eye). An eye and orbit ...
The following day, doctors diagnosed Maeve with bilateral anophthalmia, a condition where a baby is born without eyes. It affects approximately one in 100,000 births, according to the NHS.
Bilateral anophthalmia is when a baby is born without both of their eyes. "There’s no treatment that can create a new eye or bring vision back for people born with anophthalmia or microphthalmia." ...
Darrah O’Sullivan, 28, and her fiance, Vince Greenaway, 30, had their twin girls Maeve and Orla in April last year, discovering the next day that Maeve was born with bilateral anophthalmia - a ...
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