A nurse at Derriford Hospital, Caroline signed up to the epic adventure ahead of her 50th birthday and is now days away from ...
A Nottingham mum was forced to have a caesarean without anaesthetic as medics ignored her screams for help. Yvonne Gwara-Nare ...
Police have confirmed they are investigating alleged animal suffering at an abattoir in Arley. Warwickshire Police has ...
In “Questionable Behavior,” Chewning illustrates the delicate balance between an undergraduate’s social life and academic success, highlighting how the friendship of his fraternity brothers helped him ...
A couple from Greater Manchester have been banned from keeping animals after the body of a dog which had been 'starved to ...
An investigation has begun after a dead dog was thrown into a bin and ended up at Plymouth’s recycling centre. One worker ...
Scientists suspect the first person infected with Ebola in an outbreak acquired the virus through contact with an infected ...
A crow stuck in netting on a building in Gloucester Quays had to be put to sleep. The creature was seen flapping about in the ...
Shandong Cancer Hospital and Institute, School of Life Sciences, Shandong First Medical University and Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences, Jinan 250117, P. R. China ...
The Greatest Interviews series returns to 1994 and the creator of the AK-47 assault rifle, a man struggling with the weight of his legacy ...
With Pope in Hospital, Vatican Breaks Century-Old Taboos to Discuss His Health By Joshua McElwee VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - For centuries, one of the biggest taboos at the Vatican was openly ...
They are also the rare animal species where males do the majority of infant care. Female cassowaries lay eggs and then leave the nest, so males incubate the eggs and then raise the young chicks.