If venusian clouds contain life, it will be very different than what we know. But terrestrial analogs might still give us ...
A host of problems with existing projects are only making matters worse. Ore quality—the amount of valuable metal in a sample of rock—is declining, forcing miners to dig deeper; mining permits can ...
氧化矿(如氧化铜矿、氧化锌矿)因其特殊的地质成因和化学性质,具有以下核心特征及选矿难点: 强亲水性:氧化矿表面易形成定向排列的水化膜,阻碍捕收剂吸附。例如,硅孔雀石因表面羟基的强极性导致浮选回收率不足50%。 结构复杂性:同一矿床中常 ...
如哈萨克斯坦的康拉德铜矿以0.19%的低品位矿石,吨铜成本控制在1600-1800美元之间。 生物浸出:利用嗜酸菌(如Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans)进行催化氧化。紫金山铜矿通过优化菌种,铜提取率可达80%,年产阴极铜达2万吨。 技术挑战与解决方案 钙镁干扰:当矿石中 ...
Interactions between microorganisms and metals occur in both natural and anthropogenic environments, encompassing a wide range of processes from microbially catalyzed ...
Introduction: This study aims to enhance the dewatering performance of marine sediment using modified Enteromorpha algae-derived biochar to activate persulfate through an advanced oxidation process.
Study of duodenal bacterial communities by 16S rRNA gene analysis in adults with active celiac disease vs non-celiac disease controls. Virulence-associated genes, antimicrobial resistance and ...