This was the first sunrise of 2025 after the time change. It was a beautiful and cloudless one. The sunrise today was at 7:39 a.m. The sun will set at 7:20 p.m. We are up to 11 hours and 41 ...
Think about how to keep your pets safe and have a lightweight bag ready with personal items, toiletries, food, and water. More: Oklahoma storm shelter checklist: How to prepare, what to pack in a ...
Watch the videocast above to learn more. Saturday will be cloudier and much cooler, even apart from the storm. Don't forget that Daylight Saving Time begins at 2 a.m. Sunday.
Locally, the storm brought over an inch of rain, one to three inches of snow and a lengthy period of high ... A strong low-pressure system ripped through America’s heartland earlier this week ...
Wood Mackenzie donates solar power system to domestic violence shelter in Puerto Rico Wood Mackenzie's fourth delegation will travel to impoverished areas of Puerto Rico in March to install solar ...
Wood Mackenzie, in partnership with Let's Share the Sun and other third parties donated the 10.8 kW-DC system and 27.2 kWh battery, which will provide a significant portion of the shelter's power ...
The fully installed 10.8 kW-DC system and 27.2 kWh battery will provide a significant portion of the shelter’s power needs. “The energizing of this system ahead of International Women’s Day is a ...
Big Lake Humane Society found itself without any water this weekend after discovering major problems with its aging well system ... went above and beyond. Overnight, the shelter raised half ...
"That would imply a system where the maximum rates were hugely different because they would need to be much higher in capital cities and more expensive areas." Living in a van is almost like a ...
This morning Safe Children Coalition broke ground on their youth facility ... 80% of their phase one goal of $9 million for the new shelter. Last week — the company handling the job, Tandem ...