The Schuylkill County Chamber of Commerce said it's planning a forum with lawmakers to make sure they understand the impact ...
ROSEMONT, Ill. — FloWorks International LLC (“FloWorks”), a leading specialty distributor of critical flow control products and a Wynnchurch Capital, L.P. (“Wynnchurch”) portfolio company, today ...
近期,一则“截至2024年末,80后死亡率突破5.2%,相当于每20个80后中就有1人已经去世”谣言引发广泛关注,有个别网民借机造谣、煽动负面情绪、售卖保健品。公安机关网安部门依法开展调查。 经查,网民“夏老师在上海”发布视频“80后到底还剩多少人 ...
“Now that there are no tariff exemptions, we have a fighting chance," said Steve Dillett, chief executive of Custom Aluminum Products. The Illinois-based company manufactures extrusions ...
A 20-year-old Indian college student, Vishvaa Rajakumar, has won the Memory League World Championship, an online competition that tests participants’ ability to memorise and recall information at high ...
最近,一条招聘信息直接冲上热搜,看得人目瞪口呆——浙江宁波一所民办中学公开招聘老师,特级教师年薪80万,应届毕业生起薪20万! 评论区直接炸了锅:“现在当老师这么赚钱了?”“这工资比我当程序员还高!”“教育行业要变天了?” 先别急着酸 ...
No room for a repeat of slow start to second half against Scotland Ireland U-20 assistant coach Andrew Browne. Photo: Brendan Moran/Sportsfile Ireland’s U-20s will be hoping to build on an ...
Earlier this month, U.S. President Donald Trump announced tariffs on all steel and aluminum products coming into the U.S. from anywhere, including Canada. That means each time any Canadian steel ...
That includes roughly 115 billion aluminum beverage cans and 20 billion steel cans for food and other products. American can manufacturers source raw materials from both the U.S. and abroad.