12 天
什么值得买社区频道 on MSN平板界的“颠覆者”:iPad Pro 13英寸M4,让笔记本黯然失色?大家好!曾几何时,笔记本电脑是我的“随身办公室”,但近年来平板跨端互联的风潮正悄悄崛起,让我开始思考:或许笔记本真的可以退休了?今天,就让我带大家走进2024年全新上市的Apple iPad Pro 13英寸M4芯片版,2TB eSIM版,深空黑色——这款被誉为平板界“终极神器”的新品,到底能否取代笔记本电脑? 平板电脑一直以便携轻巧著称,但功能上总显得有些捉襟见肘。如今,随着跨端互联技术的飞速发 ...
TL;DR: Apple plans to release a foldable iPhone first, followed by a foldable iPad Pro expected in 2028. The OLED iPad mini is set for 2026, and the OLED iPad Air is moved to 2027. The upgraded ...
According to some well-placed sources, the switch to OLED hasn't shifted as many iPad Pros as Apple would've liked.
But the first folding Apple products ... It would exceed the price of a 13-inch iPad Pro with the maximum 2TB allocation of storage (although not if you sprung for cellular and nano-texture ...
Apple’s new M3 iPad Air arrives this week, and the first reviews for the product are available now. Here’s what you should know.