Funding: Rwanda's HIV program is predominantly donor-funded. In fiscal year 2023-2024, PEPFAR contributed 37.7% of the total HIV expenditure and the Global Fund contributed 50.8%. There is minimal ...
Two projects funded by the US Government have received full activation notices; one focused on orphans and vulnerable children (in all 10 districts ...
Human resources disruptions are affecting HIV treatment services, including medicine distribution, patient management, and monitoring. DHIS2 (District Health Information Software 2) is impacted due to ...
HIV Testing and Outreach: 90% reduction for key populations, affecting four HIV-servicing NGOs in two regions. These regions account for 20% of the population of people who use drugs and 9% of the ...
Impact Assessment: UNAIDS Kenya Country office supported communities to assess the impact of US Government stop work order. The UN country team continues to guide assessment of the impact on the ...
Sex Workers, MSM, and Transgender Persons: Disruption in access to PrEP services, reduced capacity for HIV prevention services, , reduced availability of HIV counselling and testing, and disruption in ...
Human rights, key and vulnerable populations Ethiopia received PEPFAR funding for work on stigma, discrimination and enabling legal environments. As a result of the USG stop-work order, all programmes ...
Funding Cuts: The impact of US Government funding cuts was felt immediately, leading to a shortage of staff in many clinics, which affected patient care.