( If successfully implemented, our field protocol for preparation and optical microscopy of rock samples will help to ...
Die AG Study Group ist eine Initiative von Studierenden des MA Gender, Kultur und Sozialer Wandel an der Universität ...
In order to fulfill these requirements many industry branches in- and outside Europe currently undergo enormous ...
The “quartz-monitor” research project investigates the intrinsic chemical variations of detrital monocrystalline quartz and inclusions (mineral and melt) as an innovative sediment provenance tool. The ...
Unsere Universitätsassistentinnen Nina Limberg und Sophia Pfanner nahmen im November 2024 am EDEN-Doktorandenseminar zur Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung von Unternehmen in Brüssel teil. In diesem Art ...
Numerous scientific studies have already shown that small amounts of volatiles such as H2O can have a significant influence on the formation and growth of reaction rims. In this project, we ...
Students on the Bachelor's degree programme in Civil Engineering deal with the construction and maintenance of building structures. The course content covers the planning, design, construction and ...
Studierende im Bachelorstudium Bauingenieurwissenschaften beschäftigen sich mit der Errichtung und Erhaltung baulicher Strukturen. Dabei umfassen die vermittelten Lerninhalte die Planung, den Entwurf, ...
Right: OH-defects in young (0.3 Gyr) Variscan granites are one order of magnitude higher than in old (0.9-1.8 Gyr) Proterozoic granites from Scandinavia . The OH-content is reflected in recent ...
Mit dem Themenkomplex Diversität & Universität haben sich Studierende des MA Gender, Kultur und Sozialer Wandel im SoSe 2022 auseinandergesetzt. Am Anfang stand Idee sich an der „Woche der Vielfalt“ ...
The International Terminology Awards are administered by the European Association for Terminology in order to promote research and development in the field of terminology and support future ...
Title: Methodological approach of a multi-method study to allow the development and implementation of a clinical pharmaceutical competency framework for hospital pharmacists in Austria (Jan 2024) ...