The basketball teams at Highland and Bath high schools were well represented on the All-Pioneer District teams released last week. The Rams and Chargers combined for nine selections, led by Highland ...
MONTEREY — Last Thursday, Highland Medical Center learned it had been bestowed with a national honor from the American Cancer Society. HMC received a “Health System Partner of the Year Award” from the ...
Confused on the steps needed to make maple syrup? Shelley Thomas’ preschool class is helping you out this week. Here are their instructions. • Find a maple tree. Poke a hole in the tree. Put bucket on ...
George Wythe’s boys started the Class 1, Region C tournament with a win over Highland. The Maroon girls began their postseason journey with a victory over Bath County. Friday afternoon, the teams from ...
MONTEREY — Parts of Monterey remains without water as of Wednesday afternoon. Mayor Jay Garber said work continues on pipes connecting to the well beside Highland Medical Center. Locations served from ...
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Editor, The Recorder, After reading the five-part housing shortage series in the Recorder, I want to provide my detailed comments. It is the BAR attorney profession and the people who use them who ...
The town of Monterey is working to recover from busted water pipes and confusion caused by lack of consistent communication this week. On Monday, town clerk Teresa Lightner said, “They had a big leak ...
CLIFTON FORGE — The rescheduled March Clifton Forge Community Gathering will be held Thursday, March 20, in the Historic Masonic Theatre auditorium from 6:30 to 8 p.m. The February Community Gathering ...
Covington Middle 14, Breckinridge Middle 3. Jemma Rogers had two hits and Jeslyn Vess added one in the Cougars’ win at the Jackson River Sport Complex. Miyah Howard and Alyssa Shifflett, a pair of ...
Dr. Jerry Jessee, superintendent of Bath County Public Schools, issued a statement this week after rumors circulated about Millboro Elementary School. “I would like to briefly clarify an issue that I ...