As a member of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security, my colleagues and I extensively fought the ...
Social Security imposter scams continue to be widespread across the United States. Scammers use tactics to deceive you into ...
Living conditions for people held on immigration charges are the source of controversy for a detention center in Tacoma, and ...
A bill now winning support in the state Legislature prevents medical debt from being reported to consumer credit agencies.
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Yakima Valley Libraries (YVL) is inviting children and families to meet Mouse from “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie” for a ...
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Dr. Christopher Gilmer has been named the fourth president of Heritage University, effective July 1, 2025, the university’s ...
Mr. SHS Pageant will take the stage this Saturday, March 22, at the High School Auditorium. The event begins at 7 p.m., with ...
As reproductive health access becomes increasingly restricted across the country, expanding Washington’s law that protects ...