The City of St. John’s will be hosting a World Poetry Day Reading Event on Thursday, March 20, at 7 p.m. in the Foran Greene Room, Fourth Floor, City Hall. The event will be hosted by the City’s Poet ...
Property taxes are the City's biggest source of revenue. They fund all the programs and services we offer. Residential and commercial property tax is set every year. We calculate the municipal tax for ...
The City of St. John’s is pleased to share that Deputy Mayor Sheilagh O’Leary is the recipient of the Municipal World Women of Influence in Local Government Award. The award celebrates women who have ...
St. John’s City Council conducts the business of the City through a regular public meeting, held every second Tuesday at 3 p.m., alternating with Committee of the Whole. Regular Council Meetings are ...
Many factors impact snow clearing operations. Drifting, rain, or a sudden temperature drop could delay our snow clearing timelines. While the City uses its best efforts to clear snow on time, our ...
Motorists are advised that Duckworth Street from King’s Road to Holloway Street will be reduced to one lane to facilitate the ongoing construction project adjacent to the National War Memorial.
St. John's Regional Fire Department (SJRFD) provides fire and emergency protection in our region. We offer services to the municipalities of St. John's, Mount Pearl and Paradise. Backup emergency ...
Why is the City erecting a security fence on the George Street stage? Council, staff and stakeholders are very concerned about the potential safety risks for individuals sleeping rough on the George ...
The Outer Ring Road Eastbound Lanes from Portugal Cove Road South turn off to Torbay Road Exit is closed due to a spill on the highway. All traffic will be diverted to Portugal Cove Road South exit.
Music @ is a series of free concerts that take place from July to September in a variety of locations across the City. Our signature event – Music @ Harbourside – runs throughout the summer, during ...
What's happening in our city this week? The Community Events calendar is a submission-based listing of events taking place in our city. City of St. John's-hosted events are listed here as well as ...
Over the past week, we have received many questions on the Outer Battery light issue. This blog post answers your questions and explains Council’s position. “Where, in the opinion of the city medical ...