At a recent ISNA convention in Dallas, Dr. Basheer Ahmed in a brilliant speech convey the message that, the Blashpemy Laws in some countries are going too far. In the speech he emphasised: The Correct ...
مودی حکومت نتیش اور نائیڈونام کی دو بیساکھیوں کے سہارے بنی ضرور ہے لیکن اب ان بیساکھیوں کی کوئی اہمیت نہیں ہے۔ان میں جرات ...
The relationship between religion and state has been a central issue in political and theological discourse, particularly in the context of Islam. The failures of Islamist politics in countries like ...
Would upgrading the scope of the Hadiths bring back the Golden Age of Islam? This question arises because many modern ...
"This Film Is Not A Historical Film. It Is Based On The Novel Chhava By Shivaji Samant. Already The Filmmakers Had To Apologise For Inaccuracies In The Film." Mr Ram Puniyani is spot-on. Now let me ...
1. First Premier of Assam (1937–1946): Led Assam’s government under British rule, implementing key policies like the Line System. 2. Member of Drafting Committee: The only Muslim League representative ...
ادیان و مذاہب کی تاریخ و تدوین اتنی ہی قدیم ہے جتنی کہ اس روئے زمین پر انسانی وجود. یہی وجہ ہے کہ مذہب ہمیشہ سے ہی مطالعہ کا مرکز و محور رہا ہے ۔البتہ مذہب کا مطالعہ کرنے والوں کا منہج جدا اور ...
इतिहास का इस्तेमाल राजनीति में करने से साम्प्रायिक नफरत बढ़ ...
Years ago, a Muslim friend of mine in Pakistan defined Holi, esp. Braj ki Holi (Holi at Braj Bhoomi), 'Braj Ki Holi Par Jiyara Jaaye Nisaar/ Aisa Anokha Rangon Ka Tyohaar' (One is enamoured of Holi ...
As Communal hate is on the rise through the use of History on political battle grounds, new dimensions are being added up to this during the last few years. Apart from the propaganda and ...
1. A revered 13th-century Sufi saint of Kako, Bihar, known for her spiritual wisdom and healing. 2. The Delhi Sultan sought healing at her shrine’s Sehat Kuwa. 3. Sacred stones and the healing well ...