Wednesday 19 March was social prescribing day – a time to celebrate the impact of social prescribing on the health and wellbeing of people and communities. Social prescribing involves a health care ...
The evidence is clear that developing a culture where staff can flourish, underpinned by leadership that is compassionate, inclusive and collaborative, is crucial both to the physical and mental ...
When it comes to research and innovation, the NHS has much to be proud of. But what would it look like to be world-leading in driving R&I across community settings, asks Anna Charles.
This is a guest blog. Guest authors bring different perspectives and diverse voices to our blog. They do not always represent the views of The King’s Fund. Have you ever had a life-changing ...
Following the announcement that NHS England is to be abolished, Siva Anandaciva considers the implications and why at the ...
Responding to today's announcement, Sarah Woolnough, CEO of The King's Fund, says that the government must be clear why this ...
Does a neighbourhood health service mean different things to different people? Chris Naylor argues that there needs to be a common understanding of what the goal is.
The increasing cost of paying staff has ultimately led to a fall in the number of people receiving publicly funded long-term care, says a new report from The King’s Fund. Social Care 360 analyses ...